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The most confusing conditions 8204a and 8204b has been repealed and new condition 8208 will be imposed on all student visa holders.

As many students were misguided that they would not be able to change the course after 01/07/2022 as this was pretty confusing conditions for which many migration agents were on two different opinions some said it will impose of all higher education student like bachelor and master some said only on research.

Now, Immigration has made it very clear that 8208 will be imposed on only master by research and other students will not need any pre approval to change the course, feel free to share this with your loved ones also. If you are studying a Diploma, Bachelor or Master’s by Course Work degree, You can change your course. If you are already in Australia, You can contact Vision Consultants Australia. You can call them and can get a free advice also.

New visa condition 8208 only requires student visa holders to seek approval of a change of course, thesis topic or research in limited circumstances, where the visa holder intends to undertake critical technology related study in the postgraduate research sector.

Although condition 8208 will be imposed on all student visas, its effect is limited to student visa holders who either:

  • are already studying in the postgraduate research sector (at the masters degree (research) or doctoral degree level), and intend to change their course of study, thesis or research topic to one that relates to critical technology; or
  • are not currently studying in the postgraduate research sector, and intend to change their principal course of study to a course at the masters degree (research) or doctoral degree level that relates to critical technology.


The Australian Government is committed to maximising the opportunities offered by critical technologies, and supporting competitive, trusted, and diverse technology innovation and international markets, while minimising risks to our national interest.

Critical technologies are current and emerging technologies that have the capacity to significantly enhance or pose risk to our national interest.

They are fundamental to Australia’s economic prosperity, social cohesion and national security, and are increasingly the focus of international geopolitical competition. Critical technologies can be digital (such as artificial intelligence) or non-digital (such as synthetic biology).

Australia’s ability to harness the opportunities created by critical technologies has a significant impact on our economic success, national security and community safety.

The Australian Government will work collaboratively with universities, research institutes and Australian industry to ensure we get the balance right, by promoting innovation, science and research; and by supporting competitive markets that rapidly and safely adopt new technologies and seize commercial opportunities.

It is vital we ensure Australians can confidently take advantage of the opportunities presented by new and emerging technologies.

The safe and responsible development and application of critical technologies presents enormous opportunities for the Australian community and economy.

Critical technologies will underpin exponential improvements in productivity, facilitating economic growth and high quality jobs, enabling all Australians to participate securely in the digital economy, improving our health, raising our living standards, and improving our defence and national security capabilities.

Critical technologies also confer a strategic edge, and at a time of intensifying geostrategic competition, this can be used to threaten our values, interests and way of life.

This convergence of factors presents a spectrum of risks to Australia’s ability to realise the opportunities of secure, transparent critical technologies, including through: the malicious design, development and use of technology contrary to our values and institutions; impeding our ability to make sovereign decisions about the access, control and application of critical technologies; and interference in our domestic critical technologies ecosystem.

It is vital to maintain the integrity of our research, science, ideas, information and capabilities—to enable Australian industries to thrive and maximise Australia’s domestic research capability and intellectual property.

The amendments in the PACT Regulations, complemented and refined by the Amendment Regulations, will strengthen the Australian Government’s ability to identify and manage risks associated with the unwanted transfer of critical technology, including intellectual property and property derived from critical technology.

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If you any query related to your visas or education, Contact Vision Consultants Australia.

Read the full Legislative Instruments here:

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